Everything about Redis in .NET with ABP.io | Sold Out!

Is It Vritra - SDE I
8 min readOct 1, 2024

Redis [ Remote Dictionary Server ] is a versatile, open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, message broker, and queue. This is a quick goto, Remember it’s a quick go-to to explore all possible options for using Redis in a .NET project with ABP.io, covering various Redis data structures and their applications.

Table of Contents

1. Prerequisites
2. Setting Up Redis in Your ABP.io Project
3. Redis Data Structures and Their Usage
— Strings
— Lists
— Sets
— Sorted Sets
— Hashes
4. Advanced Redis Features
— Pub/Sub Messaging
— Transactions
— Lua Scripting
5. Redis for Caching
6. Redis for Session Management
7. Redis for Rate Limiting
8. Redis for Distributed Locking
9. Redis for Leaderboards
10. Redis for Geospatial Indexing
11. Redis Persistence Options
12. Redis Clustering and High Availability
13. Monitoring and Optimization
14. Security Considerations
15. Conclusion


Before we begin, ensure you have the following :

- .NET 6.0 SDK or later
- ABP.io framework
- Redis server (local or remote)
- StackExchange.Redis NuGet package

Setting Up Redis in Your ABP.io Project

First, let’s set up Redis in your ABP.io project:

1. Install the required NuGet packages:

Install-Package StackExchange.Redis
Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis

2. Configure Redis in [ appsettings.json ] :

"Redis": {
"Configuration": "localhost:6379"

3. Configure Redis in your module class:

public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
var configuration = context.Services.GetConfiguration();
var redisConfiguration = configuration["Redis:Configuration"];
context.Services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = redisConfiguration;
// Register IConnectionMultiplexer for direct Redis access

Redis Data Structures and Their Usage


Strings are the most basic Redis data type. They can be used to store various types of data, including text, serialized objects, and even binary data.

public class RedisStringService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisStringService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task SetStringAsync(string key, string value)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.StringSetAsync(key, value);

public async Task<string> GetStringAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
return await db.StringGetAsync(key);

public async Task IncrementCounterAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.StringIncrementAsync(key);


Redis lists are linked lists of string values. They’re useful for implementing queues, stacks, and other list-based data structures.

public class RedisListService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisListService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task AddToListAsync(string key, string value)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.ListRightPushAsync(key, value);

public async Task<string> PopFromListAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
return await db.ListLeftPopAsync(key);

public async Task<long> GetListLengthAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
return await db.ListLengthAsync(key);


Redis sets are unordered collections of unique strings. They’re useful for tracking unique items and performing set operations.

public class RedisSetService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisSetService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task AddToSetAsync(string key, string value)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.SetAddAsync(key, value);

public async Task<bool> IsSetMemberAsync(string key, string value)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
return await db.SetContainsAsync(key, value);

public async Task<string[]> GetSetMembersAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var members = await db.SetMembersAsync(key);
return members.ToStringArray();

Sorted Sets

Sorted sets are sets where each member has an associated score. They’re useful for implementing leaderboards and priority queues.

public class RedisSortedSetService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisSortedSetService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task AddToSortedSetAsync(string key, string member, double score)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.SortedSetAddAsync(key, member, score);

public async Task<double?> GetScoreAsync(string key, string member)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
return await db.SortedSetScoreAsync(key, member);

public async Task<string[]> GetTopMembersAsync(string key, long count)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var members = await db.SortedSetRangeByRankAsync(key, 0, count - 1, Order.Descending);
return members.ToStringArray();


Redis hashes are maps between string fields and string values. They’re useful for representing objects and storing multiple related pieces of data.

public class RedisHashService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisHashService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task SetHashFieldAsync(string key, string field, string value)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.HashSetAsync(key, field, value);

public async Task<string> GetHashFieldAsync(string key, string field)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
return await db.HashGetAsync(key, field);

public async Task<Dictionary<string, string>> GetAllHashFieldsAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var hashFields = await db.HashGetAllAsync(key);
return hashFields.ToDictionary(x => x.Name.ToString(), x => x.Value.ToString());

Advanced Redis Features

Pub/Sub Messaging

Redis Pub/Sub is a messaging paradigm where senders (publishers) send messages to channels, without knowing who will receive them. Subscribers express interest in one or more channels and receive messages from those channels.

public class RedisPubSubService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisPubSubService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task PublishMessageAsync(string channel, string message)
var subscriber = _redis.GetSubscriber();
await subscriber.PublishAsync(channel, message);

public void SubscribeToChannel(string channel, Action<string> messageHandler)
var subscriber = _redis.GetSubscriber();
subscriber.Subscribe(channel, (_, message) => messageHandler(message));


Redis supports transactions, allowing you to execute multiple commands in a single step.

public class RedisTransactionService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisTransactionService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task<bool> PerformTransactionAsync(string key1, string value1, string key2, string value2)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var tran = db.CreateTransaction();
tran.StringSetAsync(key1, value1);
tran.StringSetAsync(key2, value2);
return await tran.ExecuteAsync();

Lua Scripting

Redis allows you to execute Lua scripts on the server side, which can be useful for complex operations that need to be atomic.

public class RedisLuaScriptService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisLuaScriptService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task<long> IncrementIfExistsAsync(string key)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var script = @" if
redis.call('EXISTS', KEYS[1]) == 1 then
return redis.call('INCR', KEYS[1])
return -1

var result = await db.ScriptEvaluateAsync(script, new RedisKey[] { key });

return (long)result;

Redis for Caching

ABP.io provides built-in support for distributed caching using Redis. Here’s how to use it:

public class MyCachedService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
public MyCachedService(IDistributedCache cache)
_cache = cache;

public async Task<string> GetCachedDataAsync(string key)
return await _cache.GetStringAsync(key);

public async Task SetCachedDataAsync(string key, string value, TimeSpan expiration)
var options = new DistributedCacheEntryOptions { AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = expiration };
await _cache.SetStringAsync(key, value, options);

Redis for Session Management

You can use Redis to store session data in a distributed environment:

public void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
// … other configurations …
context.Services.AddSession(options =>
options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
options.Cookie.IsEssential = true;
context.Services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = configuration["Redis:Configuration"];
options.InstanceName = "SessionCache_";

public void OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
var app = context.GetApplicationBuilder();

// … other middleware …
// … other middleware …

Redis for Rate Limiting

You can implement rate limiting using Redis to protect your API from abuse:

public class RedisRateLimiter : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisRateLimiter(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task<bool> IsAllowedAsync(string key, int limit, TimeSpan period)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
var cutoff = now - period.Ticks;
var transaction = db.CreateTransaction();
transaction.SortedSetRemoveRangeByScoreAsync(key, 0, cutoff);
transaction.SortedSetAddAsync(key, now.ToString(), now);
transaction.KeyExpireAsync(key, period);
var result = await transaction.ExecuteAsync();
var count = (long)transaction.GetCommandsAndReset().Last().Result;
return count <= limit;

Redis for Distributed Locking

Implement distributed locking to coordinate access to shared resources in a distributed system:

public class RedisLockService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisLockService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task<IDisposable> AcquireLockAsync(string key, TimeSpan expiry)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var acquired = await db.LockTakeAsync(key, value, expiry);
if (!acquired)
return null;
return new RedisLock(db, key, value);

private class RedisLock : IDisposable
private readonly IDatabase _db;
private readonly string _key;
private readonly string _value;

public RedisLock(IDatabase db, string key, string value)
_db = db;
_key = key;
_value = value;

public void Dispose()
_db.LockRelease(_key, _value);

Redis for Leaderboards

Implement leaderboards using Redis sorted sets:

public class RedisLeaderboardService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;
public RedisLeaderboardService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;
public async Task UpdateScoreAsync(string leaderboardKey, string player, double score)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.SortedSetAddAsync(leaderboardKey, player, score);

public async Task<List<(string Player, double Score, long Rank)>> GetTopPlayersAsync(string leaderboardKey, int count)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var results = await db.SortedSetRangeByRankWithScoresAsync(leaderboardKey, 0, count - 1, Order.Descending);

return results.Select((entry, index) => (entry.Element, entry.Score, index + 1)).ToList();

Redis for Geospatial Indexing

Redis provides built-in support for geospatial data, which is useful for location-based services:

public class RedisGeoService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisGeoService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task AddLocationAsync(string key, string member, double longitude, double latitude)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
await db.GeoAddAsync(key, longitude, latitude, member);

public async Task<List<(string Member, double Distance)>> FindNearbyAsync(string key, double longitude, double latitude, double radius, GeoUnit unit)
var db = _redis.GetDatabase();
var results = await db.GeoRadiusAsync(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, order: Order.Ascending);
return results.Select(r => (r.Member, r.Distance ?? 0)).ToList();

Redis Persistence Options

Redis offers several persistence options to ensure data durability:

  1. RDB (Redis Database): Point-in-time snapshots of your dataset at specified intervals.
  2. AOF (Append-Only File): Logs every write operation received by the server, which can be replayed to reconstruct the dataset.
  3. Hybrid (RDB + AOF): Combines both methods for improved durability and faster restarts.

To configure persistence in your ABP.io project, update your appsettings.json:

"Redis": {
"Configuration": "localhost:6379",
"InstanceName": "YourAppName",
"ConfigurationOptions": {
"ConfigCheckSeconds": 60,
"ConnectTimeout": 5000,
"AllowAdmin": true

Then, in your ConfigureServices method:

services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
var redisConfig = Configuration.GetSection("Redis:ConfigurationOptions").Get<ConfigurationOptions>();
options.ConfigurationOptions = redisConfig;
options.InstanceName = Configuration["Redis:InstanceName"];

Redis Clustering and High Availability

Redis Cluster provides a way to run a Redis installation where data is automatically sharded across multiple Redis nodes. To use Redis Cluster with ABP.io:

  1. Set up a Redis Cluster (typically 3 master nodes and 3 replica nodes).
  2. Update your appsettings.json:
"Redis": {
"Configuration": "redis1:6379,redis2:6379,redis3:6379",
"InstanceName": "MyApp"

3. Configure your services to use the cluster:

services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
options.Configuration = Configuration["Redis:Configuration"];
options.InstanceName = Configuration["Redis:InstanceName"];

Monitoring and Optimization

To monitor and optimize your Redis usage:

  1. Use Redis CLI commands like INFO, MONITOR, and SLOWLOG for real-time monitoring.
  2. Implement application-level monitoring using StackExchange.Redis:
public class RedisMonitoringService : ITransientDependency
private readonly IConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

public RedisMonitoringService(IConnectionMultiplexer redis)
_redis = redis;

public async Task<string> GetServerInfoAsync()
var server = _redis.GetServer(_redis.GetEndPoints().First());
return await server.InfoAsync();

public async Task<long> GetDatabaseSizeAsync()
var server = _redis.GetServer(_redis.GetEndPoints().First());
return await server.DatabaseSizeAsync();

3. Use tools like Redis Commander or RedisInsight for visual monitoring and management.

Security Considerations

To secure your Redis deployment:

  1. Enable Redis authentication by setting a strong password.
  2. Use SSL/TLS encryption for Redis connections.
  3. Implement proper network security (firewalls, VPCs, etc.).
  4. Regularly update Redis to the latest stable version.

Update your appsettings.json to include security settings:

"Redis": {
"Configuration": "localhost:6379,password=your_strong_password,ssl=true,abortConnect=false",
"InstanceName": "MyApp"


Redis is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the performance and scalability of your ABP.io applications. You can implement efficient caching, session management, real-time analytics, and more by leveraging its various data structures and features. Remember to monitor your Redis usage, optimize performance, and implement proper security measures to get the most out of this versatile data store.

As you continue to explore Redis with ABP.io, consider diving deeper into advanced topics like Redis Streams for event-driven architectures or Redis Modules to extend Redis functionality. With its flexibility and performance, Redis can be a backbone for your .NET applications.

