
Using Fluxor for State Management in Blazor

Is It Vritra - SDE I
3 min readJul 8, 2024


As seasoned .NET developers, we’re constantly evaluating tools and libraries that promise to simplify our workflow or improve our applications. Fluxor, a Flux/Redux state management library for Blazor, has gained traction in recent years. But does it truly deliver on its promises? Let’s dive into a technical analysis of Fluxor, examining its performance implications, architectural impact, and real-world considerations.

Architectural Overview

Fluxor implements the Redux pattern in Blazor, providing a unidirectional data flow and centralized state management. At its core, Fluxor consists of:

  1. Store: The single source of truth for application state
  2. Actions: Plain objects describing state changes
  3. Reducers: Pure functions that specify how state changes in response to actions
  4. Effects: Side-effect handlers for asynchronous operations

Performance Implications


  1. Immutable State: Fluxor enforces immutability, which can lead to more predictable behavior and easier debugging.
  2. Efficient Updates: The use of ImmutableArrays and structural sharing can reduce memory allocations during state updates.
public record State
public ImmutableArray<Item> Items { get; init; } = ImmutableArray<Item>.Empty;

public static State ReduceAddItem(State state, AddItemAction action) =>
state with { Items = state.Items.Add(action.NewItem) };

3. Selective Re-rendering: Fluxor integrates with Blazor’s component model, potentially reducing unnecessary re-renders.


  1. Memory Overhead: The Redux pattern can lead to increased memory usage due to action objects and state snapshots.
  2. Potential for Over-abstraction: In smaller applications, the boilerplate required by Fluxor might outweigh its benefits.

Scalability and Maintainability

Fluxor shines in large, complex Blazor applications where state management becomes challenging. The centralized store and unidirectional data flow can significantly improve code organization and maintainability.

public class GetItemsEffect : Effect<GetItemsAction>
private readonly IItemService _itemService;

public GetItemsEffect(IItemService itemService) => _itemService = itemService;

public override async Task HandleAsync(GetItemsAction action, IDispatcher dispatcher)
var items = await _itemService.GetItemsAsync();
dispatcher.Dispatch(new GetItemsResultAction(items));

This pattern allows for clear separation of concerns and makes it easier to reason about state changes, especially in applications with complex data flows.

Integration with Blazor’s Lifecycle

Fluxor integrates seamlessly with Blazor’s component lifecycle, but it’s crucial to understand the implications:

  1. Initialization: Fluxor’s store is typically initialized in the Program.cs file, ensuring state is available throughout the application.
public class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
builder.Services.AddFluxor(o => o

await builder.Build().RunAsync();

2. Component Integration: Fluxor provides attributes like [CascadingParameter] and [Inject] to easily access state and dispatch actions from Blazor components.


One of Fluxor’s strengths is its impact on testability. The clear separation of concerns and use of pure functions for reducers make unit testing straightforward:

public void Reducer_GivenAddItemAction_ShouldAddItemToState()
// Arrange
var initialState = new State { Items = ImmutableArray<Item>.Empty };
var newItem = new Item { Id = 1, Name = "Test Item" };
var action = new AddItemAction(newItem);

// Act
var newState = Reducers.ReduceAddItem(initialState, action);

// Assert
Assert.Equal(newItem, newState.Items[0]);

Potential Pitfalls

  1. Over-centralization: Not all state needs to be in the Fluxor store. Local component state still has its place.
  2. Action Explosion: In complex applications, you might end up with a large number of action types, which can become difficult to manage.
  3. Learning Curve: Developers new to the Flux/Redux pattern may struggle initially with the concepts and boilerplate.

Performance Optimization Techniques

  1. Selective Subscriptions: Use @inherits FluxorComponent judiciously, and consider manual subscriptions for fine-grained control.
  2. Memoization: Implement memoized selectors for derived state to prevent unnecessary recalculations.
public static class Selectors
public static decimal GetTotalValue(IState<AppState> state) =>
state.Value.Items.Sum(item => item.Price);

3. Batched Updates: For operations that trigger multiple state changes, consider batching actions to reduce the number of re-renders.


Fluxor offers a robust state management solution for Blazor applications, particularly beneficial for large-scale, complex projects. Its strengths lie in promoting a clear architecture, improving testability, and providing a consistent approach to state mutations.

However, it’s not a silver bullet. The additional complexity and potential performance overhead mean that its adoption should be carefully considered based on your project’s specific needs. For smaller applications or those with simple state requirements, Fluxor might be overkill.

As senior .NET developers, our role is to critically evaluate tools like Fluxor, understanding both their benefits and limitations. By doing so, we can make informed decisions that lead to maintainable, scalable, and performant Blazor applications.

